Active Surveillance P L U S (Proactive – Lifestyle – Understanding – Support) — Donna’s Vision

“Active surveillance” of a “potential cancerous condition” through periodic medical imaging in itself can be extremely stressful — and the anxiety, worry, and fear of cancer developing or progressing may not go away as time goes on.   balance

Active Surveillance P L U S is my vision.

It is a holistic approach to cancer prevention, risk reduction and optimal wellness — and this strategy should not be considered “alternative.”

P L U S stands for Proactive – Lifestyle – Understanding – Support


Action and result-oriented strategies which can help reduce cancer risk and keep us feeling empowered, supported, centered, optimistic, and healthy (body, mind & spirit).

See articles:

Proactive Breast Health Club 


Holistic wellness is not a diet or exercise plan. It is a combination of influential factors — a way of living, thinking and being — supported by scientific evidence to be protective against cancer.


“It’s a Way of Living” — Donna’s Checklist

Anticancer Living: The Mix of Six 


Knowledge is power. Investigate until you have a deep understanding of both your individual medical condition and how the body heals through a combination of holistic mind-body-spirit strategies. Review Donna’s resources here; read articles and watch videos compiled by Donna and Sandie Walters here.


Support is a critical factor in optimal health outcomes. See ways to stay connected below.

Donna’s Vision — Active Surveillance P L U S 

  • recognized as “preventative care” to improve health and reduce cancer-care costs, stress and unnecessary harm
  • embraced and encouraged by all (including medical professionals)
  • not considered “alternative”
  • covered by insurance
  • inclusive of safe imaging with women’s personal values and preferences

Ways to Stay Connected & Supported:

About Donna Pinto

I am originally from New Jersey and moved to Los Angeles with my family at age 12. After graduating from San Diego State University with a BA in Journalism, I had a short-stint in magazine advertising sales before landing my "dream job" with Club Med. For two years I worked at resorts in Mexico, The Bahamas, The Dominican Republic and Colorado. My husband Glenn & I met in Ixtapa, Mexico and we embarked on a two year honeymoon around the world. This was also a research project for a book we wrote called "When The Travel Bug Bites: Creative Ways to Earn, Save and Stay Abroad." I am also the author of a quote book for new graduates -- "Cheatnotes on Life: Lessons From The Classroom of Life." In 1997, we settled in San Diego and I was blessed to work part-time from home for non-profit organizations while raising our two boys. In 2010, a DCIS diagnosis changed my life. DCIS 411 is the culmination of my on-going journey and discoveries.
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5 Responses to Active Surveillance P L U S (Proactive – Lifestyle – Understanding – Support) — Donna’s Vision

  1. chrys ballerano says:

    I’ve been living a cancer resistant lifestyle since my DCIS diagnosis in 2012 and haven’t had the standard of care treatment though I did submit to two MRIs and a second biopsy in 2015. My friend Tim is now faced with a cancer diagnosis of a lesion on his vocal chord and is told it is: keratinizing well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma.
    Do you happen to know of any online support groups for a different but also common cancer diagnosis?


  2. dp4peace says:

    Hi Chrys, sorry for the delayed reply. I would recommend anyone newly diagnosed with cancer to check out and read the book Anti-cancer. Also check out other books under the “resources” tab. There are lots of Facebook groups for alternative cancer treatments as well. Hope you have found some help and please let me know if you need more resources/support. Blessings, Donna


  3. June Ponder says:

    Thanks Donna for your ideas here about Active Surveillance PLUS !!! I have been appalled that “active surveillance” has been defined as doing “nothing different” along with monitoring with mammograms that provide radiation which can only make the situation worse. It has been like saying, “We know you have a problem in the making, but let’s just wait until it becomes a problem, and we will help that happen quicker with more mammograms, and then we can justify mutilating your body because now you have invasive cancer so it is too late to do anything to reverse or prevent the problem” — it just sounds ignorant to me. In all fairness, I do think this type of thinking is encouraged by the fact that insurance only pays for standard of care and none of the main medical industry makes money from the things you suggest above because they do not offer those services. There are also many other active, non-invasive, healthy treatments that reduce or reverse the cancer risk, also not paid by insurance. I do understand the reluctance of the medical industry to recommend anything that they cannot “guarantee” the results of , like the % they have attached to non-recurrence due to radiation therapy; they really like black/white. And I have noticed that what the medical industry offers is what THEY do so they have control over the treatment; if they recommend that you change your situation by what YOU do, then they do not have control to enforce that you follow thru properly and do your part, and THEY RISK GETTING BLAMED when you do not get a good outcome by you not being diligent to do your part. Thanks for all you do for the DCIS patients and watching our backs and supplying support.


    • Donna Pinto says:

      Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment and being another voice for women to understand! It’s up to those of us that know to share the truth and awaken others. Bless you!! ❤️


  4. Pingback: Presidential Proclamation on Healthy Life Habits for Cancer Prevention | DCIS 411

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