Alkaline Foods!

ACIDOSIS (imbalance of ph towards the acidic side) / MICRO-FLORA IMBALANCE (when the microorganisms in your intestinal tract are not properly balanced – these microorganisms account for 80% of your immune system and require a balanced proportion). Like all things in life, problems arise when an imbalance sways too far in one direction. The body depends on many balances and one in particular, ph, when unbalanced, causes serious illnesses of every symptom you can imagine.

Acidosis is the primary ROOT CAUSE of 100′s, if not 1000′s of ailments and disease. Acidic bodies (or acidosis) experience a rapid decline of a functioning immune system and provide an environment where harmful bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens can thrive to further proliferate the problem. When your immune system is shot, any organ or system can and will start to shut down. Acidic ‘food’ and chemicals (sugar, coffee, tap water, meat, dairy products, alcohol, processed foods, toxic chemicals, and anything with high-fructose corn syrup, etc.) create a highly acidic environment in the body. An acidic body lacks oxygen (which is crucial for health), destroys the immune system, and creates an environment where pathogens will grow and prosper. The acidic food items mentioned above are also the dietary cause of heart disease, America’s #1 leading cause of death, so you can see we’re already starting to get somewhere with the importance of this information. In addition, tap water needs to be 100% avoided as it contains fluoride and chlorine, which both create an acidic environment and also kill your body’s beneficial micro-flora (micro organisms that perform endless vital processes which also needs a stable balance to avoid dis-ease) in the same fashion as antibiotics do.


Taking probiotics (about 2 billion organisms a day) and eating fermented foods (organic, unprocessed sauerkraut, kombucha, etc.) will restore the healthy / missing microorganisms, which can CHANGE YOUR LIFE. You can buy probiotics in capsule form and also the fermented foods at the health food store. The leading earth foods that are your powerful allies during the re-balancing / healing process: cayenne pepper, apple cider vinegar (with the “mother,” real lemon juice, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), neem, goji berries, reishi, and garlic. Eating organic fruits & vegetables will give your body the absorbable vitamins & minerals that are also needed for all major bodily harmony. All of these are inexpensive and can be found in your local health store or online. If one cuts out the acidic items, integrates leafy greens / vegetables DAILY (by juicing or salads) and incorporates the allies listed above, the body will restore its natural healthy state into balance in due time with consistent, daily application. You can test and keep track of your body’s ph (acidity vs alkalinity) level with ph strips (found at the health food store). If you choose to test yourself, be sure to test both your urine and your saliva. A healthy balance is right around 7.4 – if it is lower, it is acidic. If it is higher, it is alkaline. Pure water itself is about 7.0 and proper amounts of water throughout the day helps keep a healthy level. Acidic bodies create inflammation, cancer, infections, pain, auto-immune issues (where the immune system attacks itself because it is not functioning properly) and SO much more. If you have a balanced alkalinity and stomach flora, your immune system can heal and prevent any attack on it. Many doctors who have learned this recently have claimed they weren’t taught this information in medical school while they were learning about pharmaceutical varieties. They are taught to prescribe you an antibiotic to kill the pathogens that have already grown in your acidic body which helps for a short while to fight infection, but creates more serious issues because the anti-biotics (which is literally translated to “no-life”) do not restore other NEEDED microorganisms, as mentioned above. They treat the symptom temporarily, but not the root cause, which means the other issues will soon arise. Lack of exercise, lack of clean air, negative thoughts (toward self or others), guilt, and shame also contribute to acidity and dis-ease in the body, so forgiveness and taking life not so seriously helps contribute to peaceful health. A balanced ph diet and probiotics are imperative for anyone who is experiencing health issues of any kind who have recently (past 3-7 years) taken antibiotics or vaccinations. Every single one of us owes it to ourselves to understand this information and take the proper steps to maintain true balance in our bodies. Please share this post with anyone you feel may benefit from it. This should be the first thing taught in health class (and medical school), due to its absolute significance to what ‘health’ really is. With this information alone, one could become a health practitioner to provide comfort and well-being to the billions of people suffering in the world with this costly imbalance. Excerpted from

Here is a good chart of Acid / Alkaline Forming Foods


About Donna Pinto

I am originally from New Jersey and moved to Los Angeles with my family at age 12. After graduating from San Diego State University with a BA in Journalism, I had a short-stint in magazine advertising sales before landing my "dream job" with Club Med. For two years I worked at resorts in Mexico, The Bahamas, The Dominican Republic and Colorado. My husband Glenn & I met in Ixtapa, Mexico and we embarked on a two year honeymoon around the world. This was also a research project for a book we wrote called "When The Travel Bug Bites: Creative Ways to Earn, Save and Stay Abroad." I am also the author of a quote book for new graduates -- "Cheatnotes on Life: Lessons From The Classroom of Life." In 1997, we settled in San Diego and I was blessed to work part-time from home for non-profit organizations while raising our two boys. In 2010, a DCIS diagnosis changed my life. DCIS 411 is the culmination of my on-going journey and discoveries.
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  1. paulagloria says:

    I know a man (or knew) who was very alkaline and he died of cancer with all the best therapy (alternative). the acid thing is not the full answer either. Since this was presented to me as a reason for DCIS I would like to add is DCIS a disease in the first place?


    • Natasha says:

      I can guarantee he was doing something that was feeding the cancer. Sugar is the number one food source for Cancer, Candida, etc. All the alkalizing in the world won’t help if someone is eating a high sugar diet. Garlic kills Candida and Cancer, I’ve know people who ate a raw clove of garlic daily and cured their cancer. It’s hard to say exactly what caused it without knowing more.


  2. dp4peace says:

    From all that I have investigated and learned and according to Adriana R. Toro, Orthomolecular Nutritionist: “Acidosis is the breeding ground for many disorders and can interfere with the way our glands and organs function. A surprising number and variety of physical problems and diseases can be caused by acidity.” There will always be cases of people who seemingly eat/do everything right and get cancer and die anyway. If one is stressed out all the time, no amount of alkaline food will do much good. How many of us know people who did all the conventional treatments and died horrible deaths anyway??? Thanks for your question — “Is DCIS a disease?” It depends who you ask. Lots of controversy around what DCIS is. In my opinion, I think the screening, cancer-industry mentality and invasive treatments are the dis-ease. There’s also lots of controversy around what cancer is too and how to treat it. To quote Adriana again, “Cancer is NOT an illness, but symptoms! Illness does not occur without cause. Causes may originate in many areas. Underlying causes of illness and dis-ease must be identified and removed before complete recovery can occur. Most modern maladies are caused by prolonged exposure to a combination of negative lifestyles and toxic environmental factors, including junk food and malnutrition, pesticides, antibiotics, microwaves, chemical pollution of food, water and air, lack of exercise and chronic stress. These factors are further aggravated by the failure of modern medicine to recognize them as agents of dis-‘ease’ and death and the consequent failure to take preventative measures against them. Symptoms express the body’s attempt to heal, but are not the cause of disease. Symptoms, therefore, should not be suppressed by treatment. Physicians and surgeons palliate symptoms instead of removing causes. The elimination of the symptom is not the same as elimination of the disease. In allopathic medicine a symptom is usually thought of as the patient’s real dis-ease and the goal is to hold back, decrease or eliminate this symptom. This is often done without addressing the underlying cause and therefore does not promote a cure. In Orthomolecular Medicine the treatment of infectious and degenerative dis-eases is a matter of varying the concentration of ‘right molecules’ (i.e. vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, enzymes, hormones, etc.) which are present in the body. The optimum nutritional micro-environment of every cell in the body is vital to achieve or restore optimal health; deficiencies in this environment cause the body to be more susceptible to dis-ease and degeneration. The list of necessary nutrients is the same for every human being, but the relative amounts needed by each individual are as distinctly different as the shape of people’s bodies, and for this reason a ‘one for all’ daily nutritional requirement is impossible to specify.”
    – excerpted from “Global Healing From The Inside Out” by Adriana R. Toro

    Liked by 1 person

    • Paula Gloria says:

      well does a DCIS mean there is a disease somewhere? If so what is the disease and have people gotten rid of them naturally over time? I have one right were a small cluster of calcium deposits were found by mammogram about five years ago. Right now I do hemp oil and sunshine treatments. I feel really good on all levels (other than being 60 and not as quick as when I was younger)


      • dp4peace says:

        There are different levels/grades and sizes of DCIS….everyone’s case is different, that’s why it is important to get a 2nd pathology opinion — so you know what you are dealing with. There are not many if any recorded cases or studies of regression or progression of DCIS using natural, integrative, holistic methods. There is a study about women who had only a biopsy and years later a certain % (I think it is 50%) went on to have invasive cancer. My problem with this study is that we do not know if the women already had invasive cancer and it just didn’t show, nor do we know if they did any natural risk reduction. There is also a study which showed 40% of women who died in car accidents had DCIS. Most women surgically remove the area of DCIS, which is what I did. Dr. Esserman at UCSF is on the forefront of doing studies to see if women could eliminate surgery. We all have to do what feels right. Are you doing annual mammos still? Glad you are feeling good!!


      • Paula Gloria says:

        no I do not do mammograms anymore. I did a thermography which showed no danger. I do not feel it is dangerous and respect the intelligence of the body


      • dp4peace says:

        I did a thermogram 2 weeks prior to mammogram which showed 2.5cm highly suspicous area. I had left a positive margin from an excisional biopsy (lumpectomy) so I knew I left DCIS in my breast over one year earlier. The thermogram did not indicate anything except “possible fibrocystic changes. I ended up doing two surgeries and 3.3 cm DCIS was removed. The thermogram gave me peace of mind that it wasn’t invasive and I was not feeling rushed (I took off for a 5 week vacation despite the “highly suspicious” finding on mammogram.) How do you know yours was DCIS? Did you have a biopsy? The only way to know for sure if it is DCIS is if the tissue is looked at by a pathologist. DCIS can not be diagnosed by mammogram. Thanks for sending the link. Good information. I think thermography has great value, but I am also skeptical due to my experience and over-exaggerated claims regarding detecting breast cancer and DCIS.


      • Paula Gloria says:

        how do I know I have a DCIS? Because of how it looks and feels (you saw the picture on the private link I sent you….why did you have yours removed? What happens to these eventually?


  3. dp4peace says:

    A thermogram will not pick up calcifications and I have never heard of diagnosing DCIS by any screening modality. Are you diagnosing yourself with DCIS based on look and feel? My understanding is that DCIS can not be seen or felt unless under a microscope. Even surgeons are blind to it and thus need to be guided by wires which are placed in the breast and a mammogram is given with these wires in place just prior to surgery (totally barbaric and in my opinion could cause harm and injury by smashing and radiating already sensitive breast tissue). It is absurd that surgeons chop away at women’s breasts blindly and then can not get it all and have to go back for more blind surgery….and then they tell you to consider mastectomy because there is probably more DCIS! After have gone through 1 needle biopsy and 3 surgeries ( two of which were guided by mammograms and wires), I believe cancer could be induced by these treatments. Then they recommend having mammograms every 6 months! All this cumulative radiation seems like a direct path to give you breast cancer! And this is what most women face as it is “standard of care.”

    How do you know your lump is not a benign tumor or a fluid cyst or ADH? I have never heard of a DCIS diagnosis without the tissue being observed by a pathologist. I had my “highly suspicious” area removed because there was no way of knowing if it had any invasive component. We all have thresholds of comfort with what we can live with. I wanted to know for sure what was going on with the cells. I know that thermograms do not always catch cancer as they claim and since mine did not show anything suspicious while there clearly was DCIS, I was skeptical of it. I had left known intermediate DCIS for 1.5 years (it had been transected from previous biopsy) and it appeared to be growing despite my very strict diet and natural efforts for risk reduction. My decision was to surgically remove it rather than biopsy it as I felt strongly it was more DCIS and I wanted to avoid the horrible and highly injurous needle biopsy I had had 1.5 years earlier — which then led to surgery anyway after only showing ADH. There are many stories of DCIS having a micro-invasion and the statistics say 50% become invasive over time. Surgical removal and a 2nd expert pathological opinion was peace of mind for me. I refused radiation and tamoxifen as these treatments felt too aggressive and toxic and the health benefits did not outweigh the health risks for my situation.

    If I were you, I would consider doing an ultrasound and/or a RODEO MRI. The MRI has the toxic contrast dye which has it’s own harms, but it is all a trade off with your comfort level and peace of mind. You know your body best. As Dr. Esserman said — “we shouldn’t be looking for DCIS. Invasive cancer is really all we should be concerned with.”


    • Paula Gloria says:

      this is a very interesting comment….”I know that thermograms do not always catch cancer as they claim a..” of course they do not and I believe the fine print indicates this too….however if the only concern is invasive cancer and the lump is solid and rubbery it may contain something inside it that left to its own devices would heal naturally or be contained naturally….do you see my thermogram report? I am sharing this private link with those on this blog as I find communication between regular people with no financial agenda whatsoever to be the best tell me if you want the link. I will be doing another one next month which would be


      • Paula Gloria says:

        do you know how to get a hold of the good Dr? I have a daily TV show in Manhattan
        As Dr. Esserman said — “we shouldn’t be looking for DCIS. Invasive cancer is really all we should be concerned with.”


      • dp4peace says:

        Here is a website that claims thermography can show DCIS and invasive breast cancer.

        “With Thermography, DCIS shows up as a TH3, in most cases can appear as a diffused hyperthermic pattern around the peri-areola (nipple) and surrounding areas that still responds to the autonomic (cold water) challenge, appearing like a regional inflammation or metaplasia. It is no wonder that it looks like an inflammation as the immune system is trying to clean it out. As the DCIS becomes invasive (moving outside the duct) it develops a blood supply or neo-angeogenesis and this no longer can respond to the autonomic challenge, thus moving up to a TH4. Eighty percent of patients, having a TH3 in their thermography reading, indicating DCIS, have followed the Staying Healthy Protocol, and have received a normal reading within 3 to 6 months. Because it is something that can be seen with infrared imaging, it is also a good monitoring technique to see if it is responding to the protocols or not. If not, then conventional medical back up is always an option. Quite possibly, if we don’t try to improve the immune system in women with DCIS and continue with traditional allopathic treatment, then the rate of breast cancer will eventually be one in three instead of its current one in eight.”

        The woman who I did my thermograms with made the claim that thermography can detect breast cancer 8 years prior to it showing up on mammogram or as a lump. When she called to schedule my 6 month follow-up I told her that the thermal image did not show any indication of DCIS (which surgery had proved). She was still trying to sell me on the thermogram, but I wasn’t impressed. I may try to find another thermographer because I do see value in it for general health. Dr. Esserman said her sister is a Radiologist at UCSF and she was involved with studies on thermography. She said it didn’t do well in detecting cancer.

        The information and studies I have read on the RODEO MRI seem to be much better at detecting high grade DCIS or invasive cancer.

        I did see your link and the photo of the lump. DCIS is often not felt/seen as a lump though??? Not sure if I missed something. Still not sure how you have been diagnosed with DCIS?

        I hope you help spread Dr. Esserman’s message:
        Dr Esserman:,-md,-mba.aspx


    • Paula Gloria says:

      I just decided myself that I have DCIS! Here is a pic….a long time ago I had tiny calcifications there detected by mamogram

      at 4:00 you learn about DCIS and at 5:32 you can see a pic of what I believe is a DCIS

      0 likes, 0 dislikes


    • paulagloria says:

      Hey dpforpeace you said “I wanted to know for sure what was going on with the cells” did you ever find out when you had your DCIS removed? Has anybody just let them be to watch and see what is the natural cycle of these rubbery moveable feeling things? Mine is growing but I feel not problem whatsoever except that my breast is flabbier than when I was younger but is that a disease?


      • dp4peace says:

        Paula, I have studied a lot about DCIS over the past 2.5 years and as stated before by me and others, DCIS can not be self-diagnosed. It is not something that typically appears as a “rubbery moveable feeling thing.” Only way to know for sure is to have the cells looked at under a microscope by an expert pathologist. How do you know it’s not just a benign fluid cyst?


      • Paula Gloria says:

        thank you dp4peace for answering so soon

        August 5, 2012 at 11:07 pm

        Paula, I have studied a lot about DCIS over the past 2.5 years and as stated before by me and others, DCIS can not be self-diagnosed. It is not something that typically appears as a “rubbery moveable feeling thing.”

        what does it typically appear as? Are there pictures of DCIS? And why do some experts want to drop the name Carcinoma from the term?

        Only way to know for sure is to have the cells looked at under a microscope by an expert pathologist.
        when an expert finds something under the microscope what do they find? Are there pictures anywhere I can look at to understand?

        How do you know it’s not just a benign fluid cyst?
        what would a life cycle of a benign fluid cyst look like? The difference in the cells?
        here is a video of a blood sample with the difference in the cells very apparent


  4. Kay Ashley says:

    My nutritionist and MD both believe that acidosis is the key to many cancers and other diseases. And a simplified explanation is how the acidosis effects the immune system. So yes, having DCIS is an indicator that are other issues. Your body should kill off mutated cells when the immune system is functioning correctly so the key is to try to find out where the problem is. I feel like mine was definitely a gut issue which I have been working to correct with diet, supplements, and acupuncture. I just had the new form of full body thermography that is being used in Germany and it also helps detect where other problems may lie. I will get the results in a few weeks when I get back it to visit with the Dr. When I went in to do the thermography, I was never told it would detect DCIS or any other type cancer. In fact, I was told point blank that it wouldn’t but that it could detect the formation of a new blood source, which is the first indicator of a problem area. I was also told they could tell where other problem areas were based on how the cells reacted to the stress produced by the change in temperature. So, we’ll see.

    I, also, have never heard of DCIS being diagnosed without examination of the tissue. All they will say is that there are calcifications that look suspicious. Until you have the biopsy and then see the pathology after having it removed surgically can they tell what it is.

    I certainly think that DCIS should not be looked for and treated with “standard of care” for invasive breast cancer, which is what is happening now. If I’m remembering correctly, in the study that stated 40% of women killed in car accidents had DCIS, I believe the Dr (at MD Anderson-Houston) also said the over treatment of DCIS would be looked back on as barbaric and wrong. And that Dr’s were practicing fear based medicine which went against all logically thinking. I agree with him.

    I also endured the needle core biopsy and then the wire guided lumpectomy. If I had it to do over again, I’m not sure I would’ve chosen to do the surgery even. I might have taken a wait and see approach as there have been cases where the DCIS goes away. My pathology showed to be med grade, comedo. My surgeon got very large margins all the way around and the lesion was only about 1/4″ long. So, even though it was comedo, I don’t worry about it. I’m at peace with my decision and feel like my gut and my body is guiding me along the best course of action for me. After all, none of the treatments change the survival rate, so what’s the point?


    • Paula Gloria says:

      have you read Dr Tullio Simoncini’s book “Cancer is Fungus?” It is a very powerful and intellectually rigorous book that question the entire theory of cell mutation (among many other things showing why we have no cure despite ungodly amounts of money seemingly being thrown at it). Consider in real breast cancer on a woman with artificial implants…as the cancer (fungus) advances it advances into the silicon (or whatever the material used). This means that the artificial stuff “mutated”? I doubt it!


      • dp4peace says:

        Fascinating about the cancer advancing into the silicon! I have not read the book but I have heard of this theory and I think this is a very interesting theory. In fact, I think my DCIS situation is due to a recurring fungal infection I had on my toe. It was originally a blister from shoes that were too tight then it got infected and kept coming back. I had never taken antibiotics and learned I was allergic to two kinds I tried. All the topical prescription stuff didn’t work either. Not until I detoxed, eliminated all the acid-forming foods/beverages and started taking a high quality probiotic daily have I been able to keep this fungal infection from returning. I believe this fungal infection weakened my immune system and may have been a contributing factor to my DCIS diagnosis. I believe it is all related to inflammation. candida and a weakened immune system. These are the things I know I must keep in check…thus the alkaline low sugar diet!


    • Paula Gloria says:

      “as there have been cases where the DCIS goes away. ” I would like to learn more about these…any links?


  5. Hello Donna, I’m Alice Pink & from UK, I’m reading through your Blog as I was recently diagnosed with extensive (extensive I gather means extensive within Biopsy samples being tested, I had 12 cores tested between 3 & 10 mm) LCIS & DCIS Low to intermediate cribriform with Oestrogen receptors 8/8. Until recently the only option I was given was mastectomy. At first I was shocked & wept alot, but was willing to be led like a lamb to the slaughter into a mastectomy, within 5 weeks of being diagnosis.

    My Mum happened to mention a friend with BC couldn’t have a lump removed, as a heart condition prohibited surgery & that she’d shrunk her lump with diet (Plant Diet) I started reading, reading & reading & began to understand what DCSI is & isn’t, as well as making certain decisions for myself.

    My first decision was I would not be having a mastectomy at present & second was to eat & drink organic as much as possible & about 5 weeks now since being told & my diet is now at least 95% organic. I do eat meat & fish but it is non hormone raised, both free range & organic, small amounts of organic dairy, goats milk & goats cheese & butter, wholemeal organic bread, rice, pasta & beans etc, lots of fruit & veg now all organic except olives & beansprouts which I soak in water with a cap of organic cider vinegar. I only use virgin olive oil, difference being its now organic. I don’t go near Soya.

    I do drink alcohol, mainly at home but now drink organic cider, red wine or real ale (British Beer made from hops) & have also found out that an Organic gin is available. I was a big coffee drinker (black & sugarless) I now have 2 or 3 cups per day but also drink as many cups of Green Tea, which has anti cancer properties, to get benefit of green tea, do get a tea pot & tea cosy, as brewing for at least 10 minutes is needed to get the big anti cancer benefits, of green tea.

    Although I stopped menstruating a couple of months before diagnosis, I hadn’t experienced flashes or night sweats, diagnosis seems to have brought these on fast & furious all day & all night, this has been the hardest thing for me, as I want to make the right decision but feel I can’t with this invasion of heat & little sleep. I believe it is easing with lashings of organic cider vinegar & green tea. I’m always stressed as we have a 17yr old with autism, but DCIS seems to have brought upon a different kind of stress.

    Refusal of mastectomy, brought about offer of Lumpectomy & Radiation, I’ve said I’m going to think about it but not prepared to be operated on over Summer, as Summer is Folk Festival time for us & boys are off school & college. I have appointment on September 19th to discuss, if I change my mind, earlier appointment no problem. I’m a big supporter of NHS & those who work for it BUT I’m not prepared to have my boob hacked off or hacked at, when the likelihood seems to be, I have non invasive cancer.

    What I would like is Oncotype DX test as then I feel I could make a decision, if it was £500 I could have got it together, but £2500 is something I’m not in a position to even consider. Time to write to my MP & NICE who make decisions on funding NHS.

    Love & Peace Alice


    • dp4peace says:

      Hi Alice,
      Glad you found my blog and that you are taking some time to investigate options. The medical community needs to stop rushing women and frightening us when there is no urgency!! Low grade DCIS is not life threatening and a few months will not make much difference. Good you are taking the summer to enjoy…eliminating the stress is really important. The more you understand about your particular DCIS the more empowered you will feel in making the best/right decisions for you. As I have stated many times, a 2nd pathological opinion is vitally important. Especially when you are being told to have a mastectomy for low grade DCIS. I would talk to your Dr. about ordering the Oncotype Test. Also call Genomic Health — they offer a patient assistance program if you qualify (which I did) and they cover 100% of the test!
      Sounds like you are on a good path with all the good food and green tea.
      Keep me posted and feel free to reach out with any questions.
      Have a peaceful, happy summer vacation,


  6. Sus says:

    Dear Paula, do you have any idea how disrespectful it is to women dealing with actual breast cancer to intrude like this with your self-diagnosed cancer? If you want to join the breast cancer community, go get a proper diagnosis at the very least.


  7. Wow that was odd. I just wrote an incredibly long comment
    but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t appear. Grrrr…
    well I’m not writing all that over again. Anyways, just
    wanted to say fantastic blog!


  8. Victory Balili says:

    thank you for this very straight forward article. I also believe that acidosis is the main cause of most if not all illnesses a human body can have. As you said, if we better understand acidosis and do the right thing to prevent it, we can be a health practitioner, and I just want to share that I’ve been telling people about it and contributed to their well-being for 8 years now. Just now that I know that the right word for the cause is ACIDOSIS.


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